Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well after my first blog post I now have my first 2 followers, so I thought I should introduce them!

My super-wonderful sister is Tanya (check out her blog: The Life of Barrett and Tanya). I can't believe I am lucky enough to live in the same neighborhood with my sister and her husband! It's just what we always dreamed of! Tanya and Barrett live the next street over - we can actually see the tip of each other's roofline if we look out certain windows. I love spending time with my sis! We enjoy doing all things girly: going out to eat, nail salons, shopping, crafts/sewing (although she is much more talented in this area), etc.! We always have lots to chat about together! She is the greatest sister I could ask for!

My BFF next door is Laura (check out her blog: Cowboy Boots & Baby Booties). Hubby and I chose this lot for our forever house to be built on ... not even knowing that the people next door have so much in common with us! When we started building, we both had three kids. The day we closed on our house, I told Laura that I was expecting #4 ... and she whispered something like, "Shut up! Me too!" Our #4's were born 3 weeks apart - so they're great little baby friends now! Our fifth grade boys are even in the same class at school this year! It's just amazing to have her around everyday! We have so much in common and can talk about literally anything with each other! Oooo ... and I'll have to blog about "Salsa Day" another time ...

You'll hear me mention these two a lot more in the future - they mean a lot to me! How can I live so close to both of these wonderful girls in my life? One just over the back fence, and one just down the street! I don't think you're supposed to like your neighbors this much! So, once again ... I feel blessed ... and dreams DO come true!!!


  1. How sweet! Thank you for such kind words. I LOVE having you as my best friend, sister, and neighbor!!!

  2. Welcome!! I love your blog template. Look forward to reading your posts! Your hoem is beautiful! I'm totally jealous that you get to live right by your family, and Laura!!

    Happy First post!!

  3. Forgot to say, Your family is Beautiful too!!


  5. Welcome to the blogging world!! You guys are so lucky to be getting jealous! But, Houston got it in December, so I guess it is only fair to share the love, er, the snow! Ha!

  6. Hi just found ya from Laura's blog! Seems like you are already off to a great start at blogging! 4 boys! Me too & a Texas girl!!! Stay warm & safe w/ all that snow y'all are getting!

  7. Welcome to the blog world! I just started mine last week so I know what it's like to have few followers....great for the self-confidence =) Look forward to reading yours- you're house is SO beautiful! Love the friendship you and Laura have, I hope I find that when I move to a house one day. So how God works things out!
